
The following factors related to our business and financial information could materially influence investment decisions. The Company is endeavoring to establish a system for anticipating potential risks for the Group, 防止它们的发生, 如果发生了,及时适当地处理. 


The Group’s business results and financial position could be affected should an unforeseen event arise. 这包括汽车等市场需求的下滑, 电子产品, 住房, 建设, 和基础设施, 或者日本等商业领域的经济放缓, 北美, 欧洲, 和亚洲.

例如, 在移动领域开展业务的市场很容易受到全球汽车和航空航天业的条件和需求趋势的影响. 电子领域的商业市场, 哪些产品的特点是需求波动剧烈, 可能会在短时间内缩小. 除了, 房屋公司的活动受适用于日本房屋收购的政策和税收制度的约束. The 住房 Company’s business can also be affected by trends in consumption tax rates, 利率, 私人消费, 以及区域经济. 就城市基础设施而言 & 环境产品公司对此表示关注, 活动, 包括公共部门吗, 是否会受到公共投资趋势的影响, 哪些是由国家和地方政府决定的.


钢材的市场价格, 木材, 聚氯乙烯, 烯烃, 以及集团生产活动中使用的其他石油相关原材料受到包括全球经济趋势在内的各种因素的影响, 供需平衡, 以及外汇汇率的波动. 除了, 本集团产品所使用的部分原材料为稀缺资源, 哪些对稳定采购构成风险. 原材料价格的急剧上涨可能导致生产成本的上升, 而对稀缺资源的需求趋势和供应商的问题可能会干扰集团供应产品的能力. As a result, the Group’s business results and financial position could be affected.

In response to rising raw material prices, the Group is implementing cost-reduction measures. 同时, efforts are being directed toward maintaining a sufficient margin between selling and raw material prices, 主要在城市基础设施方面 & 环保产品公司和高性能塑料公司.


集团继续进行保证和改进活动,以确保其产品和服务具有最高质量. 然而, 尽管有这些活动, 本集团继续面临产品召回的风险, 停药, 支付赔偿, and loss of customer confidence should a major product-related incident occur; should product safety, 环境, 法律法规遵从性, or other issues arise; and in the event of a dispute over intellectual 财产 that results in a decision that is unfavorable to the Group. 在这个事件中, the possibility exists that the Group’s business results and financial position could be affected.

本集团从事计算机科学 & Quality Management to consistently deliver value to customers so that they will always choose its products and services. 十大赌博娱乐平台也将“零重大质量问题”作为十大赌博娱乐平台的关键指标之一, 在产品商业化后的开发阶段,通过预先预测潜在的质量相关风险,防止质量问题的发生,努力提高整个价值链一致的质量控制水平, and ensuring that basic guidelines for day-to-day management are being strictly adhered to by production departments. 同时, 本集团极为重视其知识产权战略,以充分发挥其在技术方面的优势. In striving to secure business competitiveness through the acquisition of strong patents, 十大赌博娱乐平台进行必要的调查,以确保十大赌博娱乐平台不会侵犯他人的知识产权,并采取适当措施避免或防止知识产权侵权.


在全球范围内经营和拓展业务, 日元对外币价值的波动可能对本集团以外币计价的销售产生重大影响, 原材料采购成本, 以及海外子公司和联营公司的资产和负债. Fluctuations in 利率 could also impact the amounts of interest income and interest expense by the Group, 以及与住房相关的商业需求. 在市场和商业环境发生变化时, 本集团持有的房地产(包括土地)存在风险, 其他库存, 财产, 厂房及设备, 包括商誉在内的无形资产, and investments and other assets such as investment securities might need to be written down. Each of the aforementioned has the potential to impact the Group’s business results and financial position.

The Group continues to promote local production by its businesses seeking to expand globally. 在这种情况下, 正在尽一切努力管理集团所持有的外汇余额,将其兑换成日元,并利用集团内部贷款和其他手段减少外汇兑换风险.


Engaging in manufacturing and 销售 活动 through an overseas network that currently spans 22 countries, the Group is promoting the development of its global business as a key growth strategy. 除了全球经济的整体趋势, 由于恐怖主义和战争等政治动荡,集团的海外业务活动受到社会和政治破坏的风险, 关税报复措施, 政策的意外变化, 法律法规, 税率变化, 工业基础脆弱性, 自然灾害, 传染病, 种族歧视, 产品的抵制, 还有其他因素. 万一这些风险成为现实, the Group’s overseas business 活动 could be impeded and its performance and future plans affected.

集团在美国设立了四个区域总部, 欧洲, 中国, 和东盟地区收集经济信息, 社会, and political conditions and trends in the 法律法规 of each country in which it has a base of operations. 需要响应的事件是否应该发生, 集团公司, 地区总部, and specialized department at the Company’s head office in 日本 work together to respond as appropriate.


包括火灾在内的重大工业事故, 爆炸, 以及有害物质的泄漏 that affect the areas surrounding the Group’s factories and R&D设施, as well as such 自然灾害 as earthquakes and tsunamis at the Group’s business sites, together with the spread of 传染病 could interrupt the Group’s business 活动. 由此造成的公众信心的丧失, 工业事故处理费用, 包括补偿和其他费用, 因停产造成的机会损失, 支付给客户的赔偿, 及其他可能影响本集团业绩及财务状况的因素.

为了防止包括火灾在内的工业事故, 爆炸, 以及有害物质的泄漏, 集团通过生产现场的风险管理活动(包括模拟自然灾害)识别和应对风险, 并设有专门的总部部门,定期进行现场审核,同时在全球范围内提供补救指导. 带头, the Overseas Crisis Management Office at the same time shares crisis management information with 地区总部, 提醒他们需要及时采取行动. 除了, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经建立了一个系统,使十大赌博娱乐平台能够通过全球紧急联络网络及时了解灾难和事故的发生情况, 并加强了员工培训,以确保适当的初步反应.


As the Group makes efficient use of IT in a wide range of business processes including production, 销售, 研究与开发, 采购, 和会计, 它越来越依赖于it系统. 此外, 除了机密的业务流程信息, we handle personal information about many of our customers due to the nature of the 住房 business. 考虑到这些情况, 本集团面临网络攻击等风险, 停电, 自然灾害, business interruptions and damages resulting from equipment and software failures or defects, 以及包括个人信息在内的机密信息的泄露. 万一这些风险变成现实, the Group’s business 活动 could be impeded affecting its business results and financial position.

在其网络安全政策中制定了某些指导方针之后, 本集团成立了电脑保安事故应变小组,以加强应变能力,并持续监察系统事故的发生情况. 除了, we have developed a system to take appropriate action and prevent recurrence in the event that an incident should arise, and are working to prevent the leakage of human-related information through employee training. To counter the risk of backbone system stoppages due to such 自然灾害 as a major earthquake, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经采取了广泛的措施,包括将数据中心分散到多个位置,并完全复制关键业务操作.


The Group is subject to a variety of statutory and regulatory requirements in the conduct of its business. 在修订或意外出台法律或法规后,本集团严重违反上述任何法律的, 或者由于实现绩效目标的压力而采取违反社会规范的行动或实施不公正的行为, 它可能会遭受客户信心的损失,并产生成本,以解决违规行为,从而影响其业务成果和财务状况.

The Group established its Compliance Declaration in 2003 based on principles such as contributing to society, 成为值得信赖的公司, 以及对法律条文和精神的遵守. In keeping with the spirit of the 组织原则s and our Corporate Code of Ethics, we defined our stance for the acquisition of high 社会 trust through compliance. 2020年10月, 在加藤总统的领导下, 集团宣布,它认为合规是增长的基础, 每一位官员和员工都必须以高度的道德和责任感行事,并以符合社会期望的方式行事. 除了, 可持续发展委员会, 由总统主持, deliberates on Fundamental Compliance Policies that require the approval of the Board of Directors, 并设立了指定的合规小组委员会, 哪个部门向可持续发展委员会负责, 计划, 考虑, 决定与合规有关的重要事项, with the aim of establishing and implementing a compliance system for the Company and its Group companies. 以确保集团得到社会的广泛信任, 十大赌博娱乐平台会继续推行措施,提高市民的合规意识.


认识到气候变化是由温室气体引起的, 资源枯竭, 循环经济, 水风险, 海洋塑料垃圾是全球共同的社会问题, 集团推动ESG管理,通过解决社会问题提高社会和全球环境的可持续性, 以及自身的可持续增长, in a bid to realize its 长期愿景 2030 and the Sekisui Environment 可持续性 Vision 2050. 如果旨在解决这些问题的努力证明是不够的, the Group could suffer a loss of public trust and a deterioration of its reputation and competitiveness, 从而影响销售.

十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力创造, 证明, 并通过帮助解决环境和社会问题,扩大可持续性产品的市场,以促进全球环境和社会的可持续性. 作为对抗全球变暖的一项措施, 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是到2030年,将购电可再生能源的利用率提高到100%, 并推行各种其他措施,包括与供应商合作采购对环境影响较小的原材料. 这是一系列其他举措之一, 十大赌博娱乐平台还开展活动,通过产学研合作,推动解决海洋塑料问题. 这包括参与CLOMA*1和JaIME*2公司倡议.

*1 CLOMA: 日本 Clean Ocean Material Alliance *2 JaIME: 日本 Initiative for Marine Environment


The global spread of COVID-19 restricts the 活动 of people in many countries around the world, thereby affecting economic 活动 including a shrinkage in demand and restrictions on supply. 这同样适用于本集团的员工. 这可能会限制十大赌博娱乐平台的商业活动,比如销售, 生产与开发, 从而影响集团的经营业绩.

At the High Performance Plastics Company that engages in business 活动 globally, 不同地区的感染状况可能会影响到各自市场对汽车和电子设备的需求以及基础设施工程的进展, and also significantly affect demand for the aircraft industry for inter-regional transportation. 进一步, 在房子里, 主要是国内业务的建筑和基础设施业务, 对日本活动的限制可能导致集团销售活动和建筑工程的停滞和延迟. 另一方面, 它们还可能会增加处理COVID-19检测试剂盒的医疗业务的检测次数.